Okay, I received a last minute directive to fly to Shanghai this Monday night. Orders came late Friday evening so... I'm amid packing and all that usual stuff. I've put all photoshoots on hold, and thankfully all bookings and enquiries for the month of July/August/September has been re-directed to my partners. I guess I would consider these following 3 months as a break for me away from wedding scenes. However, I am bringing my basic photography gear along to China. So, expect some traveling photos instead. I am also intrigue to how local china people's lifestyle is, and I might do a small project with a theme following local portraitures. :)
Of lately, I received somewhat comments and critiques which arent very professional, in fact, they sound very full of hate. I am aware that there are some business competitors out there who would go to every extend to cause harm rather than bucking themselves up for a healthy competition. Such, is the sad state of local amateur photographers. They just cant take the heat of competition - healthily that is. What seize to amaze me is how one could stoop so low to actually using mockery on my name, just to try cause harm to me via my blog chatbox.
As webmaster, I have the option of deleting the posting done. However, I decided against it and also have spent some time replying the comments. I wish to inform those who have ill intention and being a mad hater to what I do, to just buck up. Such childish attacks wont weaken me a single bit - but will seize to make me stronger. Maybe for that alone, I should thank them! :)
So, for those out there who have the same issue with me - be strong and believe in what you do. Continue on what you do best. Healthy critiques are good. Harmful remarks can be taken with a stride as they seize to soon fizzles away. And with time, you shall emerge stronger than you think you can.
Well off to Shanghai in a couple of hours time!! C